Aydın Ilgaz, the son of Rıfat Ilgaz and his wife Nilgün Ilgaz, the author of the book “Hababam Class”, met with Özay Günsel Children University students at the “Children’s Books Week” event …
Date Added: 18 November 2020, 13:21
Last Updated Date:06 January 2021, 17:40

Özay Günsel Children University, which supports the development of its students by gaining social awareness and new experiences, celebrated the Children's Books Week and the Republic Day on November 15th through its online education held every Saturday.

Nilgün Ilgaz, the author of children's books, gave a talk on the habit of reading books as part of the Children's Books Week, at the trainings held jointly with the participation of the Earth, Sun and Galaxy groups consisting of students aged between 6-15.

The opening speech of the lesson activities, which started with the fun gymnastic movements prepared by the trainers of the Near East University Sports Tower, was made by Özay Günsel Children University Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli. Emphasizing the importance of gaining children's book habits from an early age, Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli shared her memories of her childhood books with the students. She talked about the books that the students read.

Enjoyable interview with Nilgün Ilgaz ...
In the second session of the event, Aydın Ilgaz, the son of Rıfat Ilgaz, the author of the book "Hababam Class", and his wife Nilgün Ilgaz participated at the event as guests. Writer Nilgün Ilgaz, who has authored many educational, instructive, and, at the same time entertaining storybooks for children, told students about her books and how she decided to write. Mentioning that she makes use of her diaries a lot while writing her books, Ilgaz said that she chose her stories from real events and suggested that students keep a diary.

After the interview, which the students listened with great interest, Aydın Ilgaz explained the contributions of the habit of reading books to cultural development. Aydın Ilgaz also said that they are always ready to support children in Cyprus with books. After the speeches, the students shared the books they read.

Asking questions using sign language exercises ...
Within the scope of "Sign Language Education" included in the education program of Özay Günsel Children University every week, students were shown videos, and new information was conveyed. They learned to ask and answer questions to the people they meet. During and after the teaching of the signs, the students' sign language teaching was reinforced by asking questions to the students.

15 November Republic Day enthusiasm...
At the end of the course activities, Özay Günsel Children University Rector Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriç gave information to students about the Walled City Museum, which was opened by the Near East University on the 15th of November Republic Day. Prof. Dr. Meriçli explaining that reading books, literature, and museums with other branches of art and works of art help to develop personality and general culture of people, recommended children to visit the Walled City Museum, the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts and the Günsel Art Museum in Dereboyu, which opened their doors on November 15 and write their impressions about the museums.