Özay Günsel Children University students created their own value trees within the scope of values education.
Date Added: 18 December 2020, 10:03
Last Updated Date:06 January 2021, 17:04

Özay Günsel Children University carried out "Values Education", "Birds of Cyprus" and "Pencil Drawing Techniques" activities in this week's training.

Organizing the “Values Education” event, the 6-8 age World Group, held a conversation on the abstract concepts that are valuable in our lives within the scope of family, school and friendship relations. After the conversation, the students made drawings of a "value tree" about their own values. The students, who reflected valuable objects, animals or people in their drawings, shared their drawings with their friends.

Solar Group students aged 9-11 also received information about the endemic bird and plant species of Cyprus, the physical structure of various birds and the existence of birds in nature at the "Birds of Cyprus" event. The students also learned about bird watching.

Students of the Galaxy Group aged 12-15, who held the "Pencil Drawing Techniques" activity, learned about the use of pencil and important tips about the pencil drawing technique. Then, they made drawings with the technique they learned.

'Days' topic was also discussed in Sign Language activities where all group students received joint training. Students reinforced what they learned by speaking with sign language among themselves.

Journey to history with Cyprus Car Museum ...
The cars in the “Cyprus Car Museum” were discussed in the “Wonder, Research, Learn” session. As part of the event, students were informed about the formation of the Cyprus Car Museum, the cars in the museum and their stories, accompanied by a video show. The Cyprus Car Museum, which is located in the museum area of the Near East University campus and attracts attention with the classic and sports cars that are unique in the world, consists of the cars belonging to the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.