Özay Günsel Children’s University organized activities that improve the creative hand skills of students …
Date Added: 12 January 2021, 14:41

zay Günsel Children's University, which continues its education online and free of charge for all children, completed the week with fun and educational activities. The 6-8 years old World group carried out "I am making a Game Board from cardboard cups", the 9-11 years old Solar group "I am making a frame from a wooden stick" and the 12-15 years old Universe group "Kitchen Training". Within the scope of the program held to develop the creativity and hand skills of students, the development of skills such as hand-eye coordination, focusing attention, controlling impulses and waiting-patience was aimed.

They developed their own games ...
In the event “I am making a Game Board from cardboard cups” organized with the World group, students designed a game board where they can have fun playing with their families, siblings and friends at home during the holidays. In the game, features and rules such as score collection, time and competition details were set out. After the event, the children started to play with the game they designed.

Students of the Sun group learned to make their own photo frames in the “I am making a frame from wooden sticks” activity. Thus, they created a memory corner where they could collect their memories and use their digital photos. Students also had a fun time in the activities that helped students develop their manual skills.

A new one was added to the Gastronomy activities, which attracted great attention of the students. In the "Kitchen training" activity held by the Galaxy group, a short interview on the importance of breakfast was also held with the students, who learned how to cook various protein and calcium-based foods to make breakfast more enjoyable.