Özay Günsel Children’s University Students Improved Their Creativity and Hand Skills with Mandala Activity
Date Added: 17 March 2021, 16:09

Özay Günsel Children's University students have been continuing their spring term activities that are held free of charge and online. Students of 6-8 years of age Earth Group, 9-11 years of age Sun Group and 12-15 years of age Galaxy group, who met on a joint livestream this week, both had fun and showed their talents with the "Mandala" event.

Mandala with Legumes...
Legumes and CDs have become talent materials for students in the "Mandala" activity, which aimed to express students' inner worlds by combining them with talent and art. Students who designed interesting shapes and patterns with these two materials had fun by improving their hand skills. Adding a new technique to Mandala, Özay Günsel Children's University Coordinator Aysun Gencebay completed the event by entertaining the students throughout the event.

Scientists of the Week 'Ali Nesin' and 'Barbara Mcclintock'
Özay Günsel Children's University students, who met a scientist regularly every week, learned about the lives of two scientists this week. The program, which started with the life story of Ali Nesin, who is a mathematics researcher and the founder of Nesin Mathematics Village, continued with Barbara McClintock, who is regarded as a cytogeneticist. The animated presentation of McClintock's experiments on the genes, mutations, and chromosomes of maize attracted the attention of the students.

My friend Mathematics
Geometrical figures were discussed this week in the "My Friend Mathematics" activities, which aim to make children love mathematics and to remove it from the perception of a feared lesson. An entertaining and informative program was carried out on geometric shapes in life and geometric shapes in mathematics.